Thursday, October 16, 2014

Sweeeet Potatoes!!

Do you love sweet potatoes?  I do, but there are sometimes you'd like them to be a little less sweet and perhaps a little more spicy.  No worries!  Phyllis Pellman Good came by Tonia's Kitchen to talk about her recipe for Spiced Sweet Potatoes. Pellman Good, who wrote the cookbook Fix It And Enjoy It! told Tonia she starts with Coriander and Fennel Seeds, along with dried oregano and red hot pepper flakes.  She runs the seeds, leaves and flakes through a spice grinder, cuts sweet potatoes into 1-inch long wedges and puts into a mixing bowl.  Phyllis then tosses them with oil and spices and bakes altogether at 425-degrees for 15 minutes a side.  What you get is fork-tender sweet potatoes, with just a little kick!