Monday, April 22, 2024

Wine for Passover


Gabe Geller from Royal Wine joined Tonia's Kitchen to talk about a question that may be as old as the Passover holiday itself. That is, which wine with your dinner. That's a topic that need not be mysterious. And like everything else wine, it depends on what you're eating. Gabe starts off with one his favorites, Essa from South Africa. He told Tonia the Essa Altera, is a sauvignon blanc-style that has high acidity. Gabe describes it as one of his favorites.

Yet another choice Gabe likes is a bottle from Lovatelli which is an Italian wine just launched a short time ago. It is a high-acidity red. As always, these wines are certified as
kosher. If lamb or brisket is on the menu, Gabe says a red like Merlot or Malbec should be in your glass. If it's fish or chicken, a white is best. Royal Wine has a number of ideas to make your Passover Seder great. Check them out here at Royal Wine's homepage.