Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Rewarding Your Taste Buds...On Purpose


Chew on this for a second...what is flavor actually?  How does our brain process the very sensation of flavor, and how does it relate to the food we eat?  Today, Tonia's Kitchen tackles that very topic with author Michael Moss.  He's the write of a very thought provoking book called Salt Sugar Fat.  Tonia talked with Moss about one chapter in particular called That Gooey Sticky Mouthful. It was about a project undertaken by food giant Unilever, where, he says, that company's food scientists played with the combinations of salt, sugar and fat...in an effort to not just increase the taste, but transmit the proper signal to our brain that would make us feel happy and satisfied. This apparently in the hopes of getting us to associate their products with our pleasure.  If you think about it for a second, it might just change the way you eat!