Try your yams smoked! Chef Tanya Holland, who recently named California Chef of the Year, came by Tonia's Kitchen to talk about her delicious ideas of smoked yams. Tanya owns Brown Sugar Kitchen in Oakland, California and told Tonia she begins by steam roasting the yams with water, then smoking them over wood chips for about 15-20 minutes. She says while the yams have a natural sweetness, the smoke adds a different depth of flavor and really makes them pop. Tanya says serve them with Brown Sugar Butter for a unique taste treat!
4 pounds orange-fleshed sweet potatoes (often labeled "yams")
3 cups mesquite chips, soaked in water at least 30 minutes
1/4 cup virgin coconut butter*
3 to 4 tbsp. maple syrup
1/4 to 1/2 tsp. cayenne
About 3/4 tsp. kosher salt
Mash yams. Stir in remaining ingredients and a little hot water if they seem stiff.