Tuesday, September 27, 2016

The Back To School Lunch Idea That Lasts All Week!

So now that school's back in session, you've been trying to be creative with your kid's lunchbox, but you might have run out of ideas.  No worries, says JM Hirsch. He's the Associated Press Food Editor and author of a book called "Beating The Lunchbox Blues."  JM told Tonia's Kitchen that chicken is the key to a creative lunch offering both your and your kids will enjoy.  He told Tonia one easy way to fill those lunch boxes is by roasting two chickens, and using dinner leftovers all week.  JM suggests combining leftover chicken with BBQ Sauce and making sandwiches out of them.  So that doesn't get old, get some pasta and combine more of the chicken with vinaigrette for a healthy chicken salad.  And, to make it easier, if you don't like roasting chicken, buy them already pre-roasted at the grocery store. Find out more about JM's work here.