Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Gluten-Free Paradise, In the Form of a Cake!


It's true, gluten-free is the way to go for many people.  It's probably to safe to call this a food-revolution!  But for the longest time, those choosing to observe gluten-free diets had a hard time with baked goods, simple because replicating the flour without gluten was incredibly hard.  Caroline Wright, who wrote the new cookbook Cake Magic, came by Tonia's Kitchen to talk about it.  Caroline told Tonia all of the recipes in the book can by made gluten-free.  She's developed a cake-mix that uses a substitute flour without the gluten!  She details how to make it in the book.

Recipes by Caroline Wright, Cake Magic, and Workman Publishing and photos courtesy of Waterbury Publications, photographer Ken Carlson.