Tonia’s Kitchen, a nationally syndicated radio show, is where food and wine lovers explore, practice and grow. Listeners hear Tonia talk with top chefs, groundbreaking cookbook authors, fellow foodies and experts in the worlds of wine and gastronomy. Aspiring kitchen masters are invited to have a seat at the table in Tonia's Kitchen where they'll learn that, whatever they cook, taste and nutrition go hand-in-hand and they'll be taken beyond everyday ingredients!
Wednesday, June 17, 2015
Here's Something You Probably Haven't Grilled Before
When you grill seafood, you think of throwing shrimp or scallops on the fire, but chances are good you've never thought about grilling clams! Chris Schlesinger and Doc Willoughby think you should give them a chance. Both authors behind the cookbook Grill It! stopped by Tonia's Kitchen to talk about a fantastic way to sear those sea creatures! They start with a foil pan with some butter or white
wine on it, place it on one side of the grill. They put the clams on the other side. When the clams are ready, their shells open up. Pour the butter and wine into the clams and enjoy!