Monday, May 11, 2015

The Eyes Have It


We've talked a lot about eating healthy here on Tonia's Kitchen, but the focus has been primarily on foods that improve your waistline and/or your cardiovascular health.  Let's shift our focus now to what could be one of our most important organs, the eyes.  We don't really discuss foods that maintain your eye health, but that's about to change!  Today, we're talking with Jennifer Thompson, who co-authored the new cookbook, Eat Right For Your Sight.  She says what's good for your eyes is good for your body.  The book offers a whole menu of selections based on foods that are high in Omega-3 fatty acids and low on salt and processed sugar.  Jennifer told Tonia she's got it all covered from breakfast to dessert.  Her recipes won't give you X-Ray eyes, but they might just keep them in crystal clear shape!  Find out more about Eat Right For Your Sight here