LISTEN TO THE PODCASTWhen doust considering Ye Olde Royale King Cake for thine celebration of the famed Mardi Gras, it's important to realize there's more than just one flavor. Sheri Thigpen, who's the owner of Paul's Pastry Shop in Picayune, Mississippi says they bake thousands of these cakes for Mardi Gras season, with multiple flavors to choose from. Sheri told Tonia's Kitchen they start with sweetbread dough and cream cheese filling, and go wild from there! She offers blueberry, strawberry and even Mississippi Mud, among others! Sheri says they've been doing it this way since 1972 and they've become experts through the years they've been baking the cakes. If you bring one to your Mardi Gras party, guests will ask you to bring another next year, no matter who finds the baby! Find out more about Paul's King Cakes here