There is no question the NBC-TV hit TV show has an impact on more than just that networks ratings. It's intangible effect is immeasurable, inspiring countless numbers of people to step up their efforts and get healthy.
Today on
Tonia's Kitchen, Tonia had the privilege of welcoming the host of The Biggest Loser Alison Sweeney to the show. She talked a little about her experiences with the contestants and told Tonia if you too want to be "The Biggest Loser," you have to start small! And by small, Alison means starting with little, sustainable goals that you can reach.

Part of that starts with tiny changes in what you eat, changes like adding blueberries. Alison says blueberries not only curb your hunger, they also satisfy your sweet tooth! She's teamed up with the US Highbush Blueberry Council to spread the word and give you a chance to do something pretty special. They're sponsoring a sweepstakes, fittingly called Little Changes, Big Rewards where the winner gets to fly to Los Angeles, meet with Alison and talk with some very famous chefs about the little changes you can make to get healthier. Find out more about the contest
here! (Enter by February 16th)