Monday, May 25, 2020

Need Help With Your Allergies Honey?

It's a honey of a cure! Harnessing the power of raw can prove an effective fighter in the battle against seasonal allergies. Dawn Combs, who wrote the book Sweet Remedies stopped by Tonia's Kitchen, to talk about her findings on raw, local honey and how effective it is in fighting seasonal allergies. She says the key here is to make sure the honey is as raw as possible, meaning it can't be heated in any way. Try it out and you might find it's way more potent as a allergen fighter than the remedies you might find in a drug store.

  • 1 part dandelion root powder
  • 1 part eleuthero powder
  • 1 part nettle powder
  • 1 part orange peel powder
  • 1 part wild yam root powder
Honey spread
  • 5 teaspoons powdered herb formula
  • 1/4 teaspoon raw pollen
  • 1 cup raw honey
  1. Stir the powdered herb formula and raw pollen into the raw honey
  2. Keep in a cool, dry area. Lasts indefinitely
  3. Enjoy 1-3 teaspoons daily.