Friday, July 13, 2018

This Salty and Sweet Treat has Surprising Ingreidents!

Snickers and Potato Chips, is there anything better?  Think about this for a second, the deliciously sweet Snickers bar combined with the salty crunch of a potato chip.  Chef Rossi, who owns the Raging Skillet in New York City and has a new cookbook with the same name stopped by Tonia's Kitchen to talk about this dessert casserole.  Chef Rossi says she first tried this when she was 13. Chef Rossi told Tonia she starts with chopped up Snickers bars and marshmallows.  Then melt it all on a low-heat skillet with melted butter.  Once it's all melted, add plain potato chips and serve.  It's sweet, it's salty and it's good enough that Chef Rossi has added it to her own dessert table menu. Who knew something so simple could be that gourmet?

2 Snickers bars
½ stick sweet butter
3 handfuls marshmallows
1 bag plain potato chips
Chop up your Snickers bars into chunks. Cut the butterinto pieces. Grease a 9-inch pan or dish (a glass pie plate would do fine) with butter. Over low heat, melt the butter. Then add the Snickers and marshmallows. Crumble up the potato chips with your hands and then mix the melted Snickers, butter, and marshmallow goop with your crumbled potato chips. Your ratio should be about equal chips to goop. FYI — go for plain chips, not salt and vinegar or anything like that. Once you mix, scrape the goop into your buttered pan and smush till it’s all in. Top with a smidge more crumbled chips and let cool. When cool, you can cut it into the size pieces you want to devour.