Monday, June 5, 2017

Let's Try Fermenting


You might be thinking fermenting=beer making. Not the case here!  Kirsten Shockey, who wrote the new cookbook Fiery Ferments stopped by Tonia's Kitchen to talk about the fun that can be had fermenting vegetables and fruit to create sauces and chutneys.  And Kirsten says one in particular stands out because it's sour, the Mango Onion Ferment.  You take Thai chiles, a few onions and dried mango, combine that with ingredients like fresh ginger (which Kirsten says is a must!), mustard seen, salt and sliced vegetables. You put that all in a jar or crock, and when fermenting, it's important to keep everything under the brine and away from oxygen.  Kirsten told told Tonia there's two ways to accomplish that.  If you're using a jar, make sure you place the lid on airtight.  In a few days, the top of the lid will bulge, open it a smidge to release the pressure.  If you're using a crock, place a ziplock bag over the ferment mixture filled with water.  That way oxygen can't get in.  The end result, a deliciously sour sauce.