Friday, May 26, 2017

Tips for Getting the Perfect Burger


With Memorial Day weekend finally here, it's definitely tempting to hit the grill and sear up a delicious burger.  But before you do Tonia's Kitchen wants you to know a few important tips for making a better burger.  Amy Traverso, who's the Senior Food Editor with Yankee Magazine offered a few pointers in the fine art of burger grilling.  Firstly, unless you know where the beef is coming from, grill that burger to medium (instead of medium rare) in an effort to kill off harmful bacteria.  Second, Amy tells Tonia you should "hack" the burger to allow seasoning to sear itself in during the cooking process.  Finally, here's a fun tip, make a small indentation on the center of the patty and the edges thicker.  That way, the burger doesn't turn into a UFO!